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剑桥雅思5:Test4雅思听力SECTION 2真题+答案+解析

剑桥雅思5:Test4雅思听力SECTION 2真题+答案+解析

发布时间:2020-10-22 关键词:剑桥雅思5:Test4雅思听力SECTION 2真题+答案+解析
摘要: 为帮助同学们学习,小编为大家整理了剑桥雅思5:Test4雅思听力SECTION 2真题+答案+解析,希望能够对大家有帮助。关于剑桥雅思的资讯关注新航道北京学校剑桥雅思栏目。

  为帮助同学们学习,小编为大家整理了剑桥雅思5:Test4雅思听力SECTION 2真题+答案+解析,希望能够对大家有帮助。关于剑桥雅思的资讯关注新航道北京学校剑桥雅思栏目。

      Good evening everyone and thank you for coming to the Soccer Club meeting. lt's good tosee so many parents and children here tonight, and I know you are looking forward to a grcatfootball scason. Now I'd like to take a few minutes to tell you about some changes to the

  Soccer Club for the coming season.

  Now, this season we'll be playing all our matches for both the junior and senior competitionsat King's Park, instead of Royal Park, which was used last season.

  Now for meetings, we re going to use the clubhouse in King's Park, and the next mcetingwill be held in the clubhouse on the 2nd of July.

  As usual, we hope to begin the season with a picnic next Saturday at the clubhouse. Pleasetry and come to the picnic as it's always good fun. The last weck of the season we usuallyhave a dinner and presentation of prizes to the players, and more information about thiswill be given to you later in the season.

  This season we have more teams than ever. We hope to have ten teams. instead of five, inthe junior competition and they will play on Saturday mormnings, beginning at 8.30 a.m.Training sessions will be held in King's Park on Wednesday afternoons for the juniorsand they will be wearing red shirts again this year.

  ln the senior competition, there'll be four tcams, the same as last year, and their games willbe played on Saturday afternoons starting at 2.30, no sorry, it will be a 2 o'clock start, andthe training session for seniors is planned for Sunday afernoons.

  Now l'd like to introduce you to the new committee for the Soccer Club for this season.

  Firstly, let me welcome Robert Young, the new President. who will manage the meetings forthe next two years. Robert's son has been playing football with the club for over five yearsnow, and many thanks to Robert for taking on the job of President.

  Next we have Gina Costello, she's the treasurer, and she will collect the fees from you forthe season. Please try and give Gina your fees as early as possible in the season, as theclub needs the moncy to buy some new cquipment.

  Then there's David Wes! who has volunteered to be the club secretary, and one of the manyjobs he will have is to send ouL newsleulers to you regularly. If you have any informationthat may be useful, please let David know so that it can be included in these newsletters.

  Also l'd like to introduce you to Jason Dokic who is the Head Coach. For all the newmembers here tonight, this is the third year that Jason has been with us as Head Coach.and we are very lucky to have such an experienced coach and former player at our club.He will continue to supervise the tcams. at training sessions and on match days.

  Now before we finish and have some refreshments, does anyone have any questionsthey'd like to ask the new committee?




  Question 11 clubhouse

  该 题 几乎 就是 原文 的 重现, 结构 与 原文 相同, 并且 clubhouse 这个 词 说话 人 重复 了 两 遍, 相信 大多数 考生 都 能做 对。

  Questions 12- 13 picnic, prizes

  这 两 道 题 有些 难度。 在 考试 中, 题目 短小 的 反而 会 难 一些, 因为 它 里面 包含 的 信息量 少, 不容易 在 原文 中 捕捉 到 出处。 第 12 题 问道“ 次 活动 是什么”, 许多 考生 见到 这道 题 都 有些 摸 不着 头脑。 其实 说 话人 在 发言 的 前半部 分 正好 介绍 了 下个 赛季 一头 一 尾 的 活动: 1) We hope to begin the season with a picnic, 我们 将以 一次 野餐 来 开始 我们 这个 赛季; 2) the last week of the season we usually have a dinner and presentation of prizes to the players,赛季 的 最后 的 一个 星期 我们将 聚餐, 给 队员 颁奖。 这样一来, 我们 就 知道 了 这 两 道 题的 答案。 另外, 有些 考生 可能 没 听懂 presentation of prizes 是什么 意思, 只 听到 了 dinner 和 to the players, 所以 虽然 半信半疑, 但还 是 硬着头皮 把 第 13 题的 答案 写成 了 dinner。

  Questions 14- 17 10, Wednesday afternoon, 4, Sunday afternoon

  对于 这类 分门别类 对照 填表 题, 考生 要事 先看 题目, 知道 说 话人 要 谈论 几类 情况, 这样 才不 至于 把 不同情 况 的 细节 混成 一团。 14 题的 答案 稍有 干扰, 说话 人说 ten teams, instead of five, in the junior competition, 考生 只要 弄清 这 两个 数字 的 逻辑 关系 就能 答对。 这 几 道 题 都不 是 很难, 只要 抓住 细节 就 能 填 对。

  Questions 18- 20 collect fees, send newsletter, supervise teams

  这三道题是根据主持人对委员会成员的介绍而设的,主持人介绍每一位成员都会简单交待一下他们的工作职责,只是在各段落中的位置不同,Gina 的工作职责在开始就交待了,David 的职责是在中间位置,而Jason 的工作职责则放在最后才说,考生要注意听关键动词,因为动词之后的不定式就是答案所在,如:to send out newsletters, to supervise the teams 等。