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发布时间:2020-12-02 关键词:剑桥雅思8听力:Test2雅思听力Section2真题及解析
摘要: 剑桥雅思8听力:Test2雅思听力Section2真题及解析



  Welcome to Green Vale Agriculturai Park. As you know, we have only been open a weekso you are amongst our first visitors. We have lois of fascinating indoor and outdoor exhibits on our 'huge complex, spreading hundreds off hectares. Our remit is to give136 educational pportunifes to the wider public as woll as to ofler research sites for a widevariety of ariculturists and other scientists.

  Let's start by seeing what there is to do. As you can see here on our giant wall plan, we arenow situatod in the Reception block .... here. As you walk out ol the main door into the

  park there is a path you can follow. If you fllow this route you will immediately come intothe Rare Breeds section, where we keep a wide vardety of animals which I shall be tellingyou a Ite more about later. Noxt to this.... moving east.. is the large grazing area forthe rare breeds. Then further east .... in the largest sectionof our Park is the Forest Area.South of the grazing area and in fact just next to the Reception block is our ExperimentalCrop Area. In the middle of the Park ... this circular area is our lake . . These two smallrectangular shapes here... are the Fish Farms where we rear fish for sale. To the east olthose is the marsh area which attradts a great many migrant birds. In the south-easterncomner, beyond the marsh, is our Market Garden aroa, growing vegetables and flowers.

  All these areas can be visited by the general public for almostal the year ... ailthough....please take note of the large signs at the entrance to each area which tol .. which tell youwhen certain areas are being used for particular ontrolld experiments and are thereforetemporarily out of bounds to the public.

  You can se0 for yourself what a huge area the park covers and a key question is always,how can we move around? Well you have a choice of means .... all environmentallyfriendy... cars are banned in the park, We have bicydles which you can hire behind theRecepion block .... here .... the healty ones of you can go on foot and fally there's ourelectric tram, powered fom solar ceils. You find more infomation about this at the frontentrance.

  A good place to start on your tour is the Rare Breods section. We keep goats, sheep andhens and other kinds of poultry, We are also thinking of bringing in cows and horses but wodo not, as yet, have failitis for those bigger animals. The animals are fed in public twice aday and a short lecture given on their feeding habits and nutritional needs. These are verypopular with the public but of course we mustn't lose sight of the main purpose of havingthis section, not as such to proserve rare animals but to maintain the dversity of breeds tobroaden the gene pool for agricultural development. Green Vale changos with the seasonswith diffrert events happening at difte times of the year. May will be perhaps our mostspectacuiar month with the arival of the Canada geoso and when our fruit trees will be infull blossom, but there are interesting events on all yoar round .... for example John

  Havers, our expert _fy fisherman. is currently giving displays on the lake. Each of the sections has its own seasonal calendar .... please consult the summary board at the mainentrance. And the fnal section, as we retum to the Reception blocks, is the orchard. Do take time to browse round our shop .... there is a wide selection of books on wildife,some of them witten by local authors, and the history of farming, including organic farming,something which the park will be diversifing into in the coming months.


  欢迎来到绿谷农业公园。正如你所知道的,我们只开了一个星期,所以你是我们的批访客之一。我们有迷人的室内和室外展览在我们的‘巨大的复杂,蔓延数百公顷。我们的职权范围是给予136教育 pportunife 对更广泛的公众如沃尔勒研究网站为广泛的阿里库主义和其他科学家。

  让我们从看看有什么要做的开始。正如你可以看到这里在我们的巨型墙计划,我们现在坐在接待区......这里。当你走出主门进入停车有一条你可以走的路。如果你飞走这条路线,你会立即进入稀有品种部分,在那里我们保持广泛的动物,我会告诉你一个它以后。诺斯特到这个...向东移动。是稀有品种的大放牧区。再向东...在我们公园的部分是林区。放牧区以南, 事实上就在接待区旁边是我们的实验区。在公园的中间...这个圆形区域是我们的湖。.这两个小的角形在这里...是鱼场,我们饲养鱼出售。东边是沼泽区,有候鸟。在东南部,沼泽之外,是我们的市场花园,种植蔬菜和花卉。

  所有这些地区都可以被一般公众参观几乎一年...虽然...请注意,每个区域入口处都设有大标志。告诉你什么时候某些区域被用于特定的滚动实验, 因此暂时超出公众界限。

  你可以为自己提供公园覆盖的一个多么巨大的区域,一个关键问题总是,我们如何四处走动?你有选择的手段...所有环境友好...汽车是被禁止的公园, 我们有双床, 你可以租在收皮恩街区后面...这里。。。。你们中那些医治的人可以步行去, 秋天有我们的电车, 供电的 fom 太阳能 ceils 。您可以在正面找到有关此信息的信息。




  Quarantine Service, has come to talk to us about his current researchwork. Right, well, over to you, Grant.

  GRANT:Good moming, everyone. I'm sure that you know that the quarantine service regulates all food brought into Australia. Well, obviously they wantto prolect Australia from diseases that might come in with imported goods,but they also want to prevent insect pests from being introduced into thecountry. and that's where | have a part to play. Anyway, my current research involves trying to find a particular type of bee, the Asian HoneyBee, and finding out whether there are any of them around in various states of Australia. We discovered a few of them in Queensland once anderadicated them. Now, we'e pretty keen to make sure that there aren'tany more gtting in, particularly to New South Wales and other states.


 Whar's wrong with Asian Honey Bees? Are they so dfferent from

  Australan bees?

  GRANT: Well, in fact, they look almost the same, but they are infested with mites- microscopic creatures which live on them, and which can seriouslydamage our own home grown bees, or could even wipe them out.

  PROFESSOR:Well, what would happen if Australian bees died out?

  GRANT:Well, the honey from Australian bees is of excellent qulity, much betterthan the stuff the Asian bees produce. In fact, Australla exports nativeQueen bees to a large number of countries because of this. When theEuropean Honey Bee was first discovered out in the bush, we found theymade really unpleasant honey and they were also 1oo big to pllinatemany of our native flowers here in Austalla.


  That must have had a devastating ffet on the natural flora. Did you loseany species?

  GRANT:No, we managed to get them under control belore that happened but ifAsian bees got in there could be other consequences. We could lose a lotof money because you might not be aware. but i's estimated that nativebees' pollinalion of flower and vegetable crops is worth 1.2 bllion dollars ayear. So in a way they're the farmers' friend. Oh, and another thing is, ifyou're stung by an Asian Honey Boe, it can produce an llergic reaction insome people; so they're much more dangerous than native bees.

  PROFESSOR:How will you know if Asian bees have entered Australia?

  GRANT:We're looking at the diet of the bird alled the Rainbow Bee Eater. TheBee Eater doesn't care what it eals, as long as they're insects. But theintesting thing about this bird is that we are able to analyse exactly whati eats and that's really helpful if we're loking for introduced insects.

  PROFESSOR:How come?

  GRANT:Because insects have their skeletons outside their bodies. so the Bee Eaters digest the meat from the inside. Then they bring up all theindigestible bits of skeleton and, of course, the wings in a pellet - a smallball of waste material which they cough up.

  PROFESSOR:That sounds a bit unpleasant. So, how do you go about it?

  GRANT:In the feld we track down the Bee Eaters and fnd their favourite feedingspots, you know, the places where the birds usually feed. I's here that wecan find the pllets. We cllect them up and take them back to the laboratory to examine the contents.

  PROFESSOR:How do you do that?

  GRANT:The ellets are really hard, espocally if they have been out in the sun fora few days so, first of al, we treat them by adding water to moisten themand make them softer. Then we pull them apart under the microscope.Everything's all scrunched up but we're looking for wings s0 we just pullthem all out and straghten them. Then we identify them to see if we canfind any Asian bee wings.

  PROFESSOR:And how many have you found?

  GRANT:So far our research shows that Asian bees have not entered Australia inany number - it's a good result and much more fellable than trying to findlive ones as evidence of introduced insocts.

  PROFESSOR:Well, that's fascinating! Thank you, Grant, for those insights. I hope thatyou might inspire some of our sludents here to conduct some similarexperiments.


  授予: 好妈妈,各位我相信你知道隔离服务管理所有进入澳大利亚的食物。显然,他们想使澳大利亚免受进口商品可能流入的疾病的影响,但他们也想防止害虫被引入澳大利亚。这就是有一部分可以扮演。无论如何,我目前的研究包括试图找到一种特定类型的蜜蜂, 亚洲蜜蜂, 并找出是否有他们周围在各种澳大利亚各州。我们曾经在昆士兰州发现了一些,并把它们拉下。现在, 我们渴望确保有的 gtting, 特别是新南威尔士和其他。

  学生 12



  授予:嗯, 事实上, 他们看起来几乎一样, 但他们感染了小虫 - 微小的生物, 生活在他们, 可以严重损害我们自己的家长大的蜜蜂,甚至可以消灭他们。





  授予:不, 我们设法控制了他们发生的事情, 但如果阿西亚蜜蜂进入, 可能会有其他后果。我们可能会失去钱,因为你可能不知道。但我估计本地蜜蜂的花卉和蔬菜作物每年价值 1.2 亿美元。所以从一个方面说,他们是农民的朋友。哦,另一件事是,如果你被亚洲蜂蜜Boe叮了,它会在一些人中产生一种 llergic反应;所以它们比本地蜜蜂危险得多


  授予:我们正在研究彩虹蜜蜂食客的鸟的饮食。蜜蜂食客不在乎它有什么, 只要他们是昆虫。但是,关于这种鸟的检验是,我们能够确切地分析我吃什么,这真的很有帮助,如果我们喜欢引进的昆虫。



  : 听起来有点不愉快。那么,你如何去做呢?










     SECTION 2

  谈话场景 :旅游
人物关系 :公园工作人员


  1. 这部分听力以独白形式展开,说话人的角色是导游,地点是绿谷农业公园(Green Vale Agricultural Park)。建立这个农业公园是为了给大众提供教育机会,同时也给诸多农业学 者与其他的科学家提供研究场所。起初他们所在的位置是接待区(we are now situated in the Reception block)。be situated in 意为“位于”,同义短语还有 be located in/at,单词 lie 除了表示“撒谎”的意思外,还有“位于”的意思。

  2. If you follow this route you will immediately come into the Rare Breeds section, where we keep a wide variety of animals which I shall be telling you a little more about later.(沿小路 而行,便来到稀有物种区,那里的动物物种繁多,我稍后会给大家介绍。)where 在此作为 引导词,引导非限定定语从句,补充修饰 Rare Breeds section ;在这个非限定定语从句中, which 引导限定性定语从句,修饰 animals。

  3. These are very popular with the public but of course we mustn’t lose sight of the main pur- pose of having this section, not as such to preserve rare animals but to maintain the diversity of breeds to broaden the gene pool for agricultural development.(这些动物在公众中很受 欢迎,但是我们也不能忘记我们开设这个区域的主要目的,这并非为了保护稀有物种,而 是为了维持物种的多样性从而为农业发展扩大基因库。)lose sight of 意为“忘记 ;忽略”, 它的字面意思是“不再看见”。as such 意为“就它本身而言”,如 :A name, as such, means nothing.(姓名本身并无意义。)

  4. May will be perhaps our most spectacular month with the arrival of the Canada geese and when our fruit trees will be in full blossom, but there are interesting events on all year round. (五月或许将成为我们最引人注目的季节,那时加拿大的鹅会来到园中,而且那些树的花 儿将盛开,一片繁花似锦的景象,但是一年到头总有让人开心的事儿发生。)May 在此是 
名词,意为“五月”,不是动词“也许,可能”的意思,因为动词原形是不可能做主语的。 短语 in full blossom 意为“花儿正盛开”,blossom 在此处是名词,意为“花,花期”;它 也可作动词,意为“开花;发展成;出现”。in full bloom 与 in full blossom 同义,意为“盛 开”。on 在此意为“(状态的)在发生的 , 在进行的”。 all year round 意为“一年到头”, throughout the year 也可以表示“一年到头”的意思。



  Question 11 答案 B
听前预测 :定位词为 main purpose。
题目解析 :本题难度不大,出题句为 Our remit is to give educational opportunities to the wider public as well as to offer research sites for a wide variety of agricultures and other scientists(我 们目标不仅向公众提供教育的机会,而且为农业和其他科学提供研究基地)。该句话的核心为 educational opportunities as well as research sites,对应选项 B。

  Questions 12-14

  听前预测 :解答填空式地图题特别要注意以下几点 :(1)起始点,该地图有明显提示—— “YOU ARE HERE”;(2)指向标,地图右上方的指南针,尤其注意录音里的方向词提示 ;(3)


  Question 12 答案 (the) Forest
听前预测 :提示词为 area,本空应填写一个名词或形容词。
题目解析 :从入口出发,跟上录音,Rare Breeds Section、Grazing Area 过后,就能听到本题 的答案 Forest Area,注意答案首字母要大写。

  Question 13 答案 Fish Farm(s)
听前预测 :提示词为 the,此处应填名词。
题目解析 :听到 Lake 之后就要开始注意了,图中 Lake 跟本题的答案关系很密切,果然随后 出现本题的出题句 These two small rectangular shapes here are the Fish Farms,从而可以判断 出本题答案为 Fish Farms。注意答案首字母要大写。

  Question 14 答案 Market Garden
听前预测 :提示词为 area,本空应填写一个名词或形容词。
题目解析 :录音先说 To the east of those is the marsh area...(往东有沼泽地),听到这可以 猜测本题答案很快就应该出现了。果然随后可以听到 In the south-eastern corner, beyond the marsh, is our Market Garden area,可以确定本题答案为 Market Garden。注意答案首字母要 大写。

  Question 15 答案 C
听前预测 :定位词为 experimental area closed,选项关键词分别为 all year、almost all year、 short time every year。
题目解析 :本题定位不难,但同义改写较难。原文中说 temporarily out of bounds to the public(暂时对公众关闭),原文中的 temporarily 对应题目中的 short time,故 C 为正确答案。

  Question 16 答案 A
听前预测 :定位词为 How...move around。
题目解析 :看清三个选项的不同,所听即所得。文中依次提到 bicycles、on foot、electric tram, 故选项 A 为正确答案。

  Question 17 答案 C
听前预测 :定位词为 rare breed animals。
题目解析 :本题容易定位,难度不大,所听即所得。文中依次提到 goats、sheep and hens and other kinds of poultry,故选项 C 为正确答案。

  Question 18 答案 B
听前预测 :定位词为 main purpose、Rare Breeds Section。
题目解析 :本题定位不难,但 A 选项具有干扰性。原文说 ...the main purpose of having this section, not as such to preserve rare animals but to maintain the diversity of breeds... 明显否 定了 A 选项,从而可以确定 B 选项才是本题的正确答案。

  Question 19 答案 C
听前预测 :定位词为 at the present time。
题目解析 :原文中提到 arrival of Canada geese and fruit trees in full blossom 时用的是将来时态,所 以不是本题的答案。提到 display 时用的是现在进行时,display 对应 C 选项的 demonstration, 故选项 C 为正确答案。

  Question 20 答案 A
听前预测 :定位词为 books。
题目解析 :本题难度不大,所听即所得,出题句为 there is a wide selection of books on wildlife, 直接选出 A 为正确答案。