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发布时间:2021-01-27 关键词:
摘要: 1. 此篇是关于学生参加全球设计大赛,请给予指导的一段对话。学生自我介绍,并说明来由“I’m working on my entry for the Global Design Competition. My tutor said you might be able to help me with it”其中“work on”意为“致力于”。






  1. 此篇是关于学生参加全球设计大赛,请给予指导的一段对话。学生自我介绍,并说明来由“I’m working on my entry for the Global Design Competition. My tutor said you might be able to help me with it”其中“work on”意为“致力于”。

  2. 说:“Ah, yes, I got a copy of your drawings.(我看过你的图纸.)”其中“a copy of”意为“一份”;“drawing”一般指“图画”,这里说的是“图纸”。

  3. 又问,比赛有什么特殊要求,比如说save energy(节能),学生说那是去年的主题。这次“We have to adopt an innovative approach to existing technology,using it in a way that hasn’t been thought of before.”其中“adopt an innovative approach to”意为“运用创新的方法”。

  4. 通过和学生的进一步谈话,得知设计命名为“Rockpool”,“because it looks like the rock pools you find on a beach”。rock pool指的是海边岩石间的潮水潭;在沙滩上,用“on a/the beach”。

  5. 新型洗碗机将利用二氧化碳进行清洁,也就是“In place of water and detergent”,其中“in place of”意为“取代”,of后面是被取代的东西。

  6. 惊奇地问:“How will you manage that?(如何做到呢?)”

  7. 学生解释:“...pressurise the carbon dioxide so that it becomes a liquid. The fluid is then released into the dishwasher where it cleans the dishes all by itself.(使二氧化碳增压变成液体,液体释放到洗碗机中,从而完成餐具的清洁。)”其中“by itself”意为“单独地,自动地”。

  8. 教师夸学生的想法,能“do away with the need for strong detergents”,其中“do away with”原意为“废除,去掉”,这里可解释为“解决”。

  9. 聊了这么多,想知道能帮到些什么,进而问学生“What have you managed to do so far?(目前做了些什么?)”其中“manage to do sth.”意为“努力做某事”。

  10. 听了学生已完成的工作以及遇到的困难,建议可以向学校申请grant,并提出“I can help you fill out the application forms”,其中“fill out”意为“填写”。


  Question 21 C

  听前预测:定位词为design competition。

  题目解析:根据定位词,找到相应的句子“...we have to come up with a new design for a typical domestic kitchen appliance(我们得想出一个典型家用厨房器具的新设计)”,这与选项C(对现有科技的新应用)的意思相同,因此答案为C。此外,因A选项中的“energy-efficient design”和B选项中的“energy-saving appliance”意思几乎差不多,使用排除法也可得到答案。

  Question 22 A


  题目解析:此题首先要听到定位词dishwasher,随后问:“...what made you choose that?”学生答:“I think some people will be prepared to pay a little extra for something that looks different.”其中“looks different”恰好为“appealing”一词的同义替换,故选A。

  Question 23 B


  题目解析:此题谈到设计品Rockpool上石头的作用,也曾问“Is that Just for decoration?”不听下面的对话,我们也大致能猜到这很显然不只是decoration那么简单。听下去,学生解释说“Actually it does have a function. Instead of pushing a button, you turn the stone.”这与B选项表达的意思吻合,因此选B。

  Question 24 A

  听前预测:定位词为 holding chamber、carbon dioxide。

  题目解析:本题问的是在气压保持器中,二氧化碳会怎样。A选项是“变回气体”,B选项是“干燥餐具”,C选项是“使冷却下来”。是位到“Well, to allow them to dry, the liquid carbon dioxide and the waste materials all go to an area called the holding chamber. That’s where the liquid is depressurised and so it reverts to a gas.(为了使它们变干燥,液态二氧化碳和废弃物都会被输送到一个叫气压保持器的地方,在那液体被解压,因此会恢复成气体)”,因此答案为A。

  Question 25 C

  听前预测:定位词为end、cleaning process。

  题目解析:本题三个选项的关键词分别为A—released(释放),B—disposed of(清除),C—re-used(利用)。定位词的同义替换表达出现在了的提问中:“...what happens to the carbon dioxide once the process is complete?”其中complete与end对应。解答此题的句子则在学生的回答中“The carbon dioxide is sent back to the cylinder and can be used again and again”,其中“cylinder” 为“气缸”,整 句话的意思是:二氧化碳被送回气缸中,可以被重复利用。be used again and again是re-used的同义替换,因此选C。

  Question 26 presentation


  题目解析:“...what exactly did you need me to help you with?”点明学生来找的真正原因的相应句子为“...in a few months’ time, I have to give a presentation, and that’s the part I was hoping you could help me with”。短语“give a presentation”意为“做演示”,也就是说学生想让帮忙指点他即将要做的演示,因此填presentation。

  Question 27 model


  题目解析:原文中advises并没有直接出现,而是通过“建议”的语气给出了答案,通过“Well, if you want to stand a good chance of winning you really need a model of the machine.(如果想增加获胜的机会,你真的需要准备一个机器的模型)”可以看出,给的建议是做一个模型,即make a model,因此填 model。

  Question 28 material/materials

  听前预测:定位词为main problem,提示词为good quality,此处应填名词。

  题目解析:紧接上题,学生也说考虑过做模型,但是遇到了一些问题,继而问学生遇到了什么困难,并猜测是不是materials问题。学生答:“Yes. I want it to look professional but everything that’s top quality is also very expensive.”这进一步承认main problem就是材料问题,因此答案为material或 materials。

  Question 29 grant

  听前预测:定位词为apply for,提示词为a,此处应填名词(单数)。

  题目解析:学生遇到问题,提供了解决问题的方案,也就是“So why don’t you talk to the university about a grant?(为什么不跟学校谈一谈有关补助金的事?)”,即可以申请grant,因此答案为grant。

  Question 30 technical


  题目解析:为了准确、不出差错,所以要check。定位到与此相关的句子“You’d better show me this paper you’ve written as well. For a global competition such as this you need to make sure the technical details you’ve given are accurate and thorough.”重点在make sure上,要确保的是technical details (技术参数)的准确性和严密性,要帮忙检查,因此答案为technical