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发布时间:2020-08-21 关键词:
摘要: 2019年03月09号雅思考试回忆内容详解




  A woman arranges others to clean up her new house


  1-10 为填空题

  1. Name: Macvia

  2. Address: 37 North Avenue

  3. Near a white bar

  4. Contact number: 271963

  5. When is it built: July 1936

  6. Top roof and back door have been converted into bedrooms and a garden

  7. Trim weeds and bushes

  8. Check out day: Saturday

  9. Check out time: 11 am

  10. Use the blue gate to leave



  Orangutans Volunteer


  11-14 为单选题

  11. The organization aims to

  A. protect the animal

  B. help young animals to adjust to the environment

  C. introduce animal to the wild world

  12. The applicant is required to have

  A. training

  B. a few experience C. a medical test

  13. The fee does not include

  A. travel expenses

  B. insurance

  C. all accommodation costs

  14. Participants are required to adjust themselves to

  A. 暂缺

  B. local climate






  21-26 为多选题

  21-26 暂时空缺

  27-30 为配对题

  27-30 暂时空缺



  A new type of paint

  31-40 为填空题

  31. bridge

  32. stress

  33. pollution

  34. safety

  35. coal

  36. cement

  37. weather

  38. training

  39. cost

  40. spray


  Part 1

  People & Animal


  Work or studies (Are you work or study? Why do you choose your major? How to study your major? What’s interesting about your studies? How many hours do you study every day? How to improve your study?)

  Pet (Did you have pets when you was a child? Do you want a pet? What animals are the pets you don’t like? Why?)

  School (Which school are you studying at? Why did you choose this school? Are you satisfied with your school? Is there anything needed to be improved for your school? Do you think your school is a good place for study? )

  Movie star (What’s your favorite movie star? Do people like international movie stars? Do you want to be a

  movie star?


  Transportation (Do you like to travel by bus? Do you think everyone should learn to drive? How is the transportation in your city? When’s the last time you called a taxi? What transportation do you use

  to get to your school? How do you feel on the

  way to school? Is there any other transportation, which could be used to get to your school? )

  Sports (What sports do you usually do? What’s the most popular sport in your country? )

  Cooking (Do you like cooking?)

  Sleep (How many hours do you sleep every day? Do you have naps at noon?)

  Morning routines (What do you usually do in the mornings?

  What’s the difference on what you usually do in the mornings between now and the past? What do you plan to do in the mornings from now on? )

  Take photos (Do you always take photos? Do you always

  take selfies? Do you use your phone or camera to take photos? What kind of photos do you like to take? Do you want to improve your skill of taking photos?)

  Holidays (Should Chinese holidays be longer?)

  Email (When’s the last time you wrote an email? Do you respond others’ emails as soon as you receive them? Do you prefer email or text?)

  Painting (Have you ever learnt painting?)

  Sharing (What do you like to share? How do you think of sharing cars?)

  Objects / Things

  Music (How often do you listen to the music? What kind of music you don’t like and you like what music; Have you ever been to a concert? Have you ever learned a musical instrument?)

  Movies (When’s the first time you watch a movie? What kind of movies do you like? Do you watch movies with friends or alone? Do you watch movies at home or at cinema?

  Tea/Coffee (Which one is more popular in China? When’s the last time you had tea?)

  Shoes (How often do you buy shoes? Have you ever bought shoes online? Do you know anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes? What’s your favorite type of shoes?)

  Water (Do you prefer bottled water or tap water? Do you

  have any experience that you felt extremely thirsty?)

  Picture (What kind of pictures do you like? Would you like someone to draw a picture of yourself?)

  Sunglasses ( Do you wear sunglasses? What’s a good pair of sunglasses? Do you buy sunglasses for others?


  The area you live in (How long have you lived there? Do you

  know you neighbors? Do you like the area you live in? Is there anything fun around the area you live in?)


  Hometown (Is there any famous person who comes from your hometown city?)

  Crowded place

  Cinema (Do you prefer going to cinema with your friends

  or alone? Do you usually go to cinema?)



  Sky Colors

  Weather (Do you prefer dry weather or wet weather?What kind of weather do you like most? What’s your favorite season? What kind of weather is typical in your hometown?)


  Patience (Is patience very important? Are you more patient than you were younger?)

  Part 2&3

  People & Animal

  Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome.俊男美女

  Describe a teenager you know 青少年

  Describe an intelligent person you know. 聪明人

  Describe an interesting old person you have met 有趣的老人

  Describe a person you know who protects environment. 认识的环保人士


  Describe a time that you looked for information from the internet. 上网搜信息

  Describe a time that someone sends you a gift which is exactly what you want 别人正好送你你想要的东西

  Describe a free day 空闲的一天

  Describe an interesting lecture you heard 有趣的演讲

  Describe a party you joined 你参加的一次派对

  Describe a bad service you experienced. 很差的服务体验

  Describe an experience that you taught young people a skill 你教年轻人一项技能

  Describe a time that you made decision for others. 帮人做决定Describe a time that your friend didn’t tell you the truth. 朋友没有讲真话的故事

  Describe a time that you change your plan or mind suddenly 突 然改变计划


  Describe a second language that you would like to learn 想学的外语

  Describe your grandparents’ job 你祖父母的工作

  Describe a piece of good news you saw on TV. 你在电视上看到的

  Describe a symbolic tree, flower, or plant of your country. 你标志性的树,花,植物

  Describe a book you recently read 最近读的书

  Describe a historical period that you’re interested in. 一个你感兴趣的历史时期

  Describe a skill which you spent a long time learning. 一个你用了很长时间学习的技能

  Describe a thing that you would like to do but do not have enough time to do. 一件想做但是没有时间做的事。

  Describe a food that people like to eat in a special event. 特殊活动中人们喜欢吃的食物

  Describe a TV program which makes you laugh 让你大笑的电视节目

  Describe a food which people eat on a holiday. 一个节日吃的食物

  Describe a thing that you borrowed from your friends or family

  members. 向朋友或亲戚借过的一件东西

  Describe a game you played in your childhood 童年游戏

  Describe something that is good for your health. 有利于健康的东西Describe an item you bought but do not often use. 一件你买了却不经常用的东西

  Describe an outdoor sports you would like to try 你想尝试的户外运动

  Describe an interesting part of your country 你有趣的东西


  Describe a beautiful city 一个美丽的城市

  Describe a perfect house 理想房子

  Describe a place which is good for study 适合学习的场所

  Describe an interesting place 有趣的地方


  Describe a good law in your country 你的一个好法律

  Describe a family business 家族企业


  Passage 1


  1-6 为判断题

  1. FALSE

  2. TRUE

  3. FALSE

  4. TRUE

  5. FALSE


  7-13 为填空题

  7. The ceremony marked

  8. the dog race happened at the standing point of Wasilla

  9. the health of dog are heavily concerned

  10. the prize would be separated

  11. the dog race are influenced by the climate

  12. the dog are named as wheel dog

  13. the equipment need to be considered

  Passage 2

  TopicLean production: innovation in manufacturing system


  段 A 段:历史起源第二段 B 段: 暂时空缺第三段 C 段:暂时空缺第四段 D 段:暂时空缺

  第五段 E 段:interdependent strategies

  第六段 F 段:控制数量第七段 G 段:控制质量

  14-20 为标题配对题

  14. section A : ii

  15. section B: iv

  16. section C: ix

  17. section D: viii

  18. section E: x

  19. section F: vi

  20. section G: iii

  21-26 为句子完成题

  21. craft/craftsmanship

  22. lean production employed workers who are multi-skilled

  23. lean production with less manufacturing space

  24. the procedure of Just-in-time

  25. defects

  26. lights are suspended

  Passage 3


  27-31 为判断题

  27. TRUE


  29. FALSE


  31. FALSE

  32-36 为选择题

  32. A

  33. A

  34. B

  35. A

  36. C


  Task 1

  Type of Questions柱图


  The bar chart below shows the number (million) of four kinds of materials borrowed from a particular library in the UK between 1995 and 2005.



  Task 2


  Type of Questions观点类


  As part of education, students should spend a period of time on studying and living in a different country to learn language and culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?