
首页 雅思口语



发布时间:2020-09-22 关键词:
摘要: 参加雅思考试的同学们,这个月不仅仅是在口语考试是感到词穷,考官还会对你进行灵魂发问:你有朋友嘛?



  当我们看到问一个人的时候,先按下激动难耐的心情。如果各位烤鸭们还是从人长啥样干啥事的角度说话题而没有和自己联系起来,就显得叙述空洞。如果再卡壳几下,那考官不就要说出’see you next time’了么?




  “Describe a person who you are happy to know.

  You should say:

  Who the person is

  How you know this person

  What he or she is like

  And explain why you are happy to know or her.”


  How to achieve a scholarship?(这不是相当于在说What you did for it 嘛~)

  - perform well in the university


  The most fundamental requirement for gaining this year’s scholarship is to perform well in the university,getting the best final grade and average performance in my school last year.


  1. 那么作为part 2 的题目,我们先来套路一下(Introduction )

  Well, the person first comes to my mind is my older cousin. He’s not a very close friend that I grew up with but he‘s very intelligent: he showed his talent on financing since he was a child.


  2. 小时候我知道但是不认识他

  When I studying a school,he was really clever, you know, he had a stronger social skill and interpersonal ability among peers so that he could be regarded as a campus star and no one did not know him.


  3. 我是怎么认识他的?

  After he graduated from the college, he found a job in an international company as an activity planner. After 2 years, he started his own business at the same field. At the same time, I left my previous company and started to send resumes everywhere, and finally got a position in his founded company.The only catch is that I had to forget any content of previous work, as I would do completely irrelevant content in the new occupation, I had to learn from scratch quickly, and fortunately, my cousin is very patient.


  4. 为什么我认识他就很开心?

  Entering his company and getting to know him made me really happy. He is really experienced and capable of running his own company:he can maintain the previous customers, explore the potential customers, improve the reputation, and deal with a great amount of stuff with great managerial ability. During the years I have worked with him, I have learned a lot, especially the changes in my thinking and handling. These changes not only made my career flourish, but also allowed me to communicate with my family better and get closer together.
