
首页 雅思口语



发布时间:2020-09-24 关键词:
摘要: 大家记不记得在口语考试的part1中,考官们经常问你的个问题是‘Do u study or work now?’。那当我们回答’I’m a student’后,考官依旧递了一个与公司有关的part2给你时,烤鸭们的内心是不是一万个拒绝……

      大家记不记得在口语考试的part1中,考官们经常问你的个问题是‘Do u study or work now?’。那当我们回答’I’m a student’后,考官依旧递了一个与公司有关的part2给你时,烤鸭们的内心是不是一万个拒绝……




  Describe a large company you are interested in?

  You should say:

  What the company is;

  What kind of business the company is doing;

  How and when did you know the company;

  Why you are interested in the company.


  Chief executive officer 执行总裁

  Chief Finance Officer 财务官

  Chief Technology Officer 技术官

  Chief Marketing Officer 营销官

  Chief Administrative Officer 行政官

  Profession 职业


  General staff 普通员工

  Executive 管理人员

  Corporate culture 企业文化

  Multinational corporation 跨国公司

  Joint venture 合资公司



  The name of the brand / company -- who / how run this company -- the products and services provided by this company -- targeted customers, purchasing experience (personal experience) -- how i feel about the service / quality / overall management.

  1. 什么是阿里巴巴?

  Alibaba is a well-known e-commerce company in China, and it is the most used online shopping company in China. Its founder is Jack Ma, one of China's most famous self-made entrepreneurs.


  2. 马云是怎样的一个企业家呢?

  I was amazed by the founder. He had the idea to outline the company many years ago, and many of his ideas were very advanced: in the past, people might think it was whimsical, but now, his ideas have become a reality and occupies a large part of human life. Those ideas enable him to create a large fortune.


  3. 这个公司提供什么产品和服务呢?

  This leading company provide a great range of scope on products and services.In addition to online shopping - Alibaba runs smoothly under the millions of shops and buyers, and a great number of trades occurring on this website, consumers can book airline tickets and hotels, make appointments for beauty projects; people can even pay living expenses, such as utility bills, rent payments, and credit cards.

  这家领先的公司提供广泛的产品和服务范围。除了在线购物外,阿里巴巴还可以在数百万商店和买家中顺利运行,并且该网站上有大量交易,消费者可以预订机票和酒店 预约美容项目;人们甚至可以支付生活费,例如水电费,房租和信用卡。

  4. 我自己的经历是?

  When I first contacted this company, I wanted to book air tickets. At that time, the airline's official website no longer had air tickets, but it could still be booked successfully, and the price was even lower than the official website. Since then, I have become a diehard fan of this company.

